Towards the end of WW1, and for a period afterwards my Grandmother, Winifred Hogben (nee Chapman), of Wingham in Kent, worked in Tankerton Hospital and collected messages from wounded soldiers, staff and friends. I hope the site will be of use to those tracing relatives from the time of the Great War. There are also later entries from Seaside Cottage, Bonchurch, Isle of Wight which was a Home of Rest for nurses.

Winifred Chapman

H. G. Abrahams: Rfm (Rifleman) H.G.Abrahams, 11th Batt (Battalion) Rifle Bgde (Brigade).

A. Anderson: L/cpl (Lance Corporal) A. Anderson, 4/5(?) Black Watch, 1/1/19 (1919)

R. Barclay, Pavilion (Page 1)

R. Barclay, Pavilion (Page 2).

R. Barclay, Pavilion (Page 3)

J. A. Barnes: 149472, Cpl (Corporal) J.A.Barnes, R.G.A. (Royal Garrison Artillery) of London.

Identified as Corporal John Barnes via National Archives

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