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J. Bolton, 10th Worcesters

Bob Carter: Bob (Robert) Carter(?), J.R. (Junior Reserve), R.F.A. (Royal Field Artillery?), Tankerton, 23/2/18 (1918)

R. Childs: Gnr(Gunner) R.Childs, R.F.A. (Royal Field Artillery)

Reg Clay: Pte (Private) Reg Clay(?), Oxford and Bucks (Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry), Sept 11th 18 (1918)

A. Colville, 1925 (Page 1)

A. Colville, 1925 (Page 2)

R. S. Corby, R.F.A. (Royal Field Artillery), Tankerton Hospital, Sep 2, 1918

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